carpet at a British home supply store sells for 16 pounds(currency)per square meter.What is the price in dollars per square yard.

To convert the price from pounds per square meter to dollars per square yard, we need to consider the following conversions:

1 pound = 1.37 dollars (approximate value as of November 2021)
1 meter = 1.09361 yard (approximate value)

First, let's calculate the price in pounds per square yard:

Price in pounds per square yard = Price in pounds per square meter * (1 meter / 1.09361 yard)

Price in pounds per square yard = 16 pounds / square meter * (1 meter / 1.09361 yard)

Price in pounds per square yard = 14.64 pounds / square yard

Now, let's convert the price from pounds to dollars:

Price in dollars per square yard = Price in pounds per square yard * 1.37 dollars / pound

Price in dollars per square yard = 14.64 pounds / square yard * 1.37 dollars / pound

Price in dollars per square yard ≈ 20.05 dollars / square yard

Therefore, the price of the carpet in dollars per square yard is approximately $20.05.

To find the price in dollars per square yard, we need to convert the price per square meter from pounds to dollars and then convert from square meters to square yards.

First, we need to find the conversion rate from pounds to dollars. Let's assume the current exchange rate is 1 pound = 1.35 dollars.

Next, we need to convert the price per square meter from pounds to dollars. To do this, we multiply the price in pounds (£16) by the conversion rate (1.35 dollars):

16 pounds * 1.35 dollars/pound = 21.6 dollars

Now, we need to convert from square meters to square yards. There are 0.83612736 square meters in a square yard. So, we divide the price in dollars by this conversion factor:

21.6 dollars / 0.83612736 = 25.89 dollars

Therefore, the price in dollars per square yard is approximately $25.89.

Show me your work....... carpet at a British home supply store sells for 16 pounds(currency)per square meter.What is the price in dollars per square yard.