What does it mean when the homework says: Make three F L cluster words example fly?

Two words that have FL im front of it like FLY fl...y. FL IS IN THE FRONT.

If you go to www.onelook.com and enter this -- FL* -- and then search, words that begin with those two letters will show up.

And yes, that includes the asterisk (*).

When the homework assignment says "Make three F L cluster words example fly," it means you need to create three words that begin with the "fl" sound, just like the word "fly."

To complete this task, follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept: Start by understanding what a cluster or consonant cluster is. In English, it refers to two or more consonant sounds that appear together in a word without a vowel sound in between. In this case, the consonant cluster is "fl."

2. Analyze the example: Look at the given example, "fly." Notice that it starts with the "fl" sound, making it a suitable answer. By examining the example, you can understand what kind of words you need to create.

3. Generate words with the desired sound: Use your knowledge of the English language to think of words that start with the "fl" sound. Some examples could be "flower," "flip," or "floor." Brainstorm as many words as you can.

4. Choose the best three words: Review the words you generated and select three that you believe are the best answers to the task. Keep in mind that they should all begin with the "fl" sound.

5. Verify your answers: Once you have chosen your three words, double-check to ensure they all start with the "fl" sound. This will help you confirm that you completed the assignment correctly.

Remember, the purpose of this homework is to practice identifying and generating words with a specific consonant cluster sound. By following these steps, you should be able to complete the assignment successfully.