Fe + K2CO3

The given expression "Fe + K2CO3" represents a chemical reaction involving iron (Fe) and potassium carbonate (K2CO3). This reaction can be described as follows:

Fe + K2CO3 -> FeCO3 + K

In this reaction, iron reacts with potassium carbonate to produce iron(II) carbonate (FeCO3) and potassium (K) as the products.

To determine the balanced chemical equation for this reaction, we need to balance the number of atoms on both sides of the equation.

1. Begin by counting the atoms on each side:
Left side: 1 Fe and 2 K
Right side: 1 Fe, 1 C, and 3 O (from the CO3), and 1 K

2. Start balancing with the most complex molecule or polyatomic ion. In this case, it is K2CO3:
The potassium (K) on the left side requires a coefficient of 2 to balance with the 2 K atoms on the right side:
Fe + 2 K2CO3 -> FeCO3 + K

3. Next, balance the number of carbon (C) atoms by adjusting the coefficient of FeCO3 to 1:
Fe + 2 K2CO3 -> 1 FeCO3 + K

Now, the elements are balanced, and the balanced equation is:
Fe + 2 K2CO3 -> FeCO3 + K