Max's pencil was 8/23ft and Ian's pencil was 6/12.

How much loner is Max's pencil than Ian's?
Is it A or C?

8/12 I mean

Is Max's pencil 8/12 of a foot?


8/12 - 6/12 = 2/12

To find out the length difference between Max's and Ian's pencils, we need to subtract Ian's pencil length from Max's pencil length.

Max's pencil length is given as 8/23ft, and Ian's pencil length is given as 6/12ft.

Now, to subtract 6/12ft from 8/23ft, we need to find a common denominator for both fractions. The smallest common multiple of 12 and 23 is 276.

Converting both fractions to have a denominator of 276, we get:
Max's pencil length = (8/23) * (12/12) = 96/276ft
Ian's pencil length = (6/12) * (23/23) = 138/276ft

Now, we can subtract Ian's pencil length from Max's pencil length:
(Max's length) - (Ian's length) = (96/276) - (138/276) = -42/276ft

The result is negative because Ian's pencil is longer than Max's pencil.

To simplify the fraction -42/276, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 6:
-42/276 = -7/46ft

So, Max's pencil is 7/46ft shorter than Ian's pencil.

None of the options given (A, B, C, or D) match the correct answer.