Use the Pythagorean distance formula to calculate the distance between the

following points on a graph:
(-7,-3) (8,-11)

Through the Pythagorean Formula for calculating distance between two points the distance is given by the following;


To find the distance between two points on a graph using the Pythagorean distance formula, you need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the x and y coordinates of the two points given.
Point A: (-7, -3)
Point B: (8, -11)

2. Use the formula:
Distance = √[(x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²]

3. Now, substitute the values into the formula:
Distance = √[(8 - (-7))² + (-11 - (-3))²]

Distance = √[(8 + 7)² + (-11 + 3)²]
Distance = √[15² + (-8)²]
Distance = √[225 + 64]
Distance = √289

4. Calculate the square root:
Distance = √289
Distance = 17

Therefore, the distance between the points (-7, -3) and (8, -11) on the graph is 17 units.