simplify the expression 10x-20/5

10x-20/5 = 10x - 4

asking for clarification;

the entire 10x-20 is over 5 so is it 2x-4?

You could have written this problem:

(10x - 20)/5

Your answer is correct.

thank you

You're welcome.

To simplify the expression 10x - 20/5, we will follow the order of operations, which states that we should perform any calculations inside parentheses first, then evaluate exponents, perform multiplication and division from left to right, and finally perform addition and subtraction from left to right.

The given expression 10x - 20/5 can be simplified step by step as follows:

Step 1: Simplify 20/5
Since 20 divided by 5 equals 4, we replace 20/5 with 4 in the expression.
10x - 4

That's it! The expression 10x - 20/5 simplifies to 10x - 4.