what is the subject in the following sentece... these past three days have been quiet and enjoyable


When you are trying to find the subject, it is best if you identify the VERB FIRST.

The verb in this sentence is a form of the linking verb "to be." It's "have been."

Now ask yourself, "What have been...?"


To identify the subject in a sentence, you need to find the entity or group of words that is performing the action or being described. In this sentence, the subject is "these past three days."

To identify the subject:
1. Look for the verb: In this sentence, the verb is "have been."
2. Ask the question "Who or what has been quiet and enjoyable?": The answer is "these past three days," indicating that it is the subject.

So, the subject in the sentence "These past three days have been quiet and enjoyable" is "these past three days."