Hi, I have to compare Crossing Brooklyn Ferry by Walt Whitman to modern day time. The last couple of journal entries I've compared to well known songs and their lyrics. I'm thinking of comparing it to an important event or movie, but I'm not sure what to write about. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!

Certainly! Comparing "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" by Walt Whitman to an important event or movie can be a fascinating approach. Here are a few ideas to consider:

1. The Transformation of New York City: You can compare the poem's depiction of Brooklyn in the 19th century to the modern-day transformation of the city. Discuss how the development of iconic landmarks like the Brooklyn Bridge, the gentrification of neighborhoods, and the bustling multicultural atmosphere mirror the sense of connectivity and the evolving urban landscape portrayed in the poem.

2. The Power of Technology and Connectivity: Analyze how the poem's theme of connection and unity resonates in the era of technology and social media. Explore how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram have become modern meeting places, akin to the ferry Whitman speaks of, allowing people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to connect and share experiences.

3. The September 11 Attacks and Resilience: If you're looking to focus on a specific event, consider comparing the poem to the impact of the September 11 attacks on New York City and its people. Highlight the resilience, unity, and collective memory that emerged in the aftermath of the tragedy, echoing Whitman's emphasis on shared humanity and the interconnectedness of individuals.

4. The Movie "Inception": Explore how the conceptual layers and shifting realities in Christopher Nolan's film "Inception" reflect the themes of time, perception, and interconnectedness present in "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry." Analyze how both the poem and the movie explore the idea that individuals and their experiences are intertwined and influence one another, blurring the boundaries between past, present, and future.

Remember, when comparing a poem to an event or movie, it's important to consider how the themes, symbolism, and messages of the poem are reflected in the chosen topic. These are just a few suggestions to help inspire your comparison.