Identify the underlined part of speech in the following sentence:

Unless you come to class and complete the work, you will learn very little.

Answer a. noun
b. pronoun
c. verb
d. adjective
e. adverb
f. preposition
g. conjunction

Which word is underlined? What do you think is the answer?

To identify the underlined part of speech in the sentence, we first need to locate the underlined portion:

"Unless you come to class and complete the work, you will learn very little."

The underlined portion is "Unless."

In this sentence, "unless" is functioning as a conjunction. Conjunctions are words that join words, phrases, or clauses. In this case, "unless" is joining the condition ("you come to class and complete the work") with the result ("you will learn very little").

Therefore, the correct answer is:

g. conjunction