How to prepare 50% of Sulphuric Acid from 10N of Sulphuric Acid

To prepare 50% sulphuric acid from 10N sulphuric acid, you will need to dilute it with water.

"N" represents normality, which is a unit of concentration. To convert normality to percentage (%), you need to calculate the equivalent weight of sulphuric acid and its dilution factor.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to dilute 10N sulphuric acid to 50% sulphuric acid:

Step 1: Calculate the equivalent weight of sulphuric acid.
- Sulphuric acid has a molecular weight of 98.09 g/mol and is diprotic.
- Since sulphuric acid is diprotic, divide its molecular weight by 2:
Equivalent weight = Molecular weight / No. of protons
= 98.09 g/mol / 2
= 49.05 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the dilution factor.
- To dilute 10N sulphuric acid to 50%, you need a dilution factor.
- The dilution factor can be calculated as follows:
Dilution factor = (Target % / Initial %) = (50 / 10) = 5

Step 3: Calculate the volume of 10N sulphuric acid needed.
- Let's assume you want to prepare 100 mL of 50% sulphuric acid solution.
- The amount of sulphuric acid required can be calculated using the dilution factor:
Volume of 10N acid = (Volume of final solution / Dilution factor)
= (100 mL / 5)
= 20 mL

Step 4: Dilute the 10N sulphuric acid with water.
- Take 20 mL of 10N sulphuric acid and add water to make up the final volume of 100 mL.
- Alternatively, you can add 80 mL of water to the 20 mL of 10N acid to make up a total volume of 100 mL.

By following these steps, you will prepare 100 mL of 50% sulphuric acid solution from 10N sulphuric acid. Adjust the volume of the solution based on your requirements.

To prepare 50% Sulphuric Acid from 10N Sulphuric Acid, you can follow these steps:

1. First, calculate the volume of the 10N Sulphuric Acid required to obtain the desired concentration.

The term "N" (normality) is a measure of concentration and represents the number of equivalents of solute per liter of solution. In this case, 10N Sulphuric Acid means that there are 10 equivalents of Sulphuric Acid in one liter of the solution.

To calculate the volume needed, use the formula:
Volume (in liters) = Number of equivalents / Normality

In this case, we want to prepare 50% Sulphuric Acid, which means we need to dilute the original concentration by half. So the final concentration will be 5N.

Using the above formula, the volume of the 10N Sulphuric Acid needed can be calculated as follows:
Volume = 10 equivalents / 5N = 2 liters

2. Take 2 liters of the 10N Sulphuric Acid solution.

3. Dilute the 2 liters of 10N Sulphuric Acid with distilled water to a final volume of 4 liters.

4. Mix the solution thoroughly to ensure uniform distribution.

By following these steps, you will obtain a 50% Sulphuric Acid solution from the 10N Sulphuric Acid.