story be more powerful in this first person narration? i write yes because we know what she feel and think. i not get second part to this which be there be other ways of describing what narrator think possible and/or more interesting? in anyways?

I agree with your answer. Using the first person narrator is the best way of showing what she is thinking.

thank you :) i not think there be any other interesting way to describe her feelings, that be the second part which i not get.

I agree. This is the most interesting way to describing her feelings.

Yes, first person narration can indeed make a story more powerful because it allows readers to directly connect with the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the narrator. However, there are also other ways to describe what the narrator is thinking or feeling that can add depth and interest to the story.

One option is to use descriptive language and vivid imagery to convey the narrator's state of mind. Rather than just stating what the narrator is thinking, you can describe their surroundings, their physical sensations, or their actions in a way that reflects their emotions. For example, instead of saying "I felt sad," you can describe the heavy rain dripping down the windowpane, mirroring the tears streaming down the narrator's face.

Another approach is to utilize dialogue or interactions with other characters to reveal the narrator's thoughts indirectly. Through conversations, debates, or conflicts with other characters, the narrator's thoughts and beliefs can emerge naturally. This can add complexity and depth to both the narrator and the story.

Additionally, you can experiment with literary techniques such as stream-of-consciousness writing or the use of symbolism and metaphor. These approaches allow you to delve into the narrator's internal world in a more creative and engaging way, often incorporating layers of meaning and creating a richer reading experience.

Ultimately, while first person narration is a powerful tool, there are plenty of other techniques available to describe a narrator's thoughts and feelings effectively. It's important to explore and experiment with various methods to find what works best for your story and the unique voice of your narrator.