3. How do writer create loneliness of narrator? Is the sensation of being alone, being solitary, part of the notio n of “madness”?

i not sure if some of my answer be right.

The author create lonliness of narrator through journal. There be no one that understand her, so she keep journal where she add her thoughts and feelings in. She speak to herself through her journal. i not know about second part.

4. What kind of shame be embed in the mind of the narrator?

She be jealous of jennie who take care of household, she want to be able to do that, she feel like she useless right now. “She is a perfect and enthusiastic housekeeper, and hopes for not better profession. I verily believe that she thinks its the writing that made me sick.”


thank you :)

To create the loneliness of a narrator, writers use various techniques to evoke the sensation of being alone or isolated. Here are a few ways in which writers achieve this:

1. Isolation: The writer may physically isolate the narrator by placing them in a remote location or by separating them from others. This physical isolation enhances the feeling of loneliness.

2. Lack of understanding or connection: The writer may portray the narrator as someone who feels misunderstood or disconnected from others. This could be due to their unique circumstances, personality traits, or mental state.

3. Inner monologue or self-reflection: The writer can utilize the narrator's thoughts and internal dialogue to convey their loneliness. By having the narrator share their deepest thoughts and feelings with themselves, it emphasizes their solitude.

Regarding the notion of "madness" being associated with loneliness, it often depends on the specific context and story being told. Loneliness itself does not necessarily equate to madness, but it can contribute to a decline in mental well-being or exacerbate existing psychological issues. In some narratives, loneliness may be symptomatic of the narrator's deteriorating mental state, leading to a portrayal of madness.

Moving on to the shame embedded in the mind of the narrator, you have already provided a good example from the text. The narrator experiences shame and jealousy towards Jennie, who acts as the housekeeper. The narrator longs to fulfill the societal expectations of being a perfect housekeeper but feels inadequate due to her illness. This shame stems from her perceived inability to perform her expected gender role, as well as the false belief that her writing has caused her illness.

Remember to provide additional examples from the text or any relevant analysis to support your answer.