What were Meatless Days in World War 2?? I can't find any info on it



thanks :)

Meatless Days during World War II were a part of the rationing system implemented in many countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, to conserve food resources for the war effort. Meat was a scarce commodity due to transportation difficulties and the need to prioritize its use for soldiers. To find information on Meatless Days during World War II, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by searching for broader terms related to rationing or food shortages during World War II. This will help you understand the context and find more specific information on Meatless Days.

2. Utilize reputable sources such as history books, academic articles, or websites of trusted institutions like museums, universities, or government archives. These sources often provide well-researched and accurate information on historical topics.

3. Make use of keywords specific to the subject you're researching. In this case, you can try combining terms such as "Meatless Days," "World War II," "rationing," "food shortages," or even the name of a particular country to narrow down the search results.

4. Instead of relying solely on search engines, explore dedicated databases or archives that focus on historical events during World War II. Many online databases provide access to primary sources, such as official reports, diaries, or newspaper articles, which can offer invaluable insights into Meatless Days.

5. If you have access to a local library, consider consulting books or archives related to World War II history. Librarians can guide you to the appropriate resources, including books, journal articles, or microfilm archives, that may contain information on Meatless Days.

By following these steps and using a combination of search strategies, you should be able to find reliable information and gain a comprehensive understanding of Meatless Days during World War II.