describe the interval you would use for a bar graph if the data ranges from 12 to 39 units

To determine the interval for a bar graph, you will need to consider the range of the data. In this case, the data ranges from 12 to 39 units.

To set up intervals, you can start by finding the difference between the highest and lowest numbers in the data range. In this case, the difference is 39 - 12 = 27 units.

Next, you need to decide on the number of intervals you want to use for your bar graph. This choice may depend on the amount of data and the desired level of detail in the graph.

A common approach is to use around 5-10 intervals for a bar graph. If we choose 5 intervals, we can divide the range (27 units) by the number of intervals to determine the interval size.

Interval size = range / number of intervals = 27 / 5 = 5.4 units.

To simplify the interval, we can round it up to the nearest whole number, resulting in an interval size of 6 units.

Therefore, for the data range of 12 to 39 units, using 5 intervals, the interval size would be 6 units.