
2(3y-4)^(3/5) = 54

(3y-4)^(3/5) = 27

3y - 4 = 27^(5/3)
3y = 27^(5/3) + 4
y = (27^(5/3) + 4)/3
= (243 + 4)/3 = 247/3 or 82 1/3


multiply top and bottom by a^2 to get

= a(a-1)/(a+1)(a-1)
= a/(a+1)

or, since you seem to like reciprocals so much,

1 /(1+1/a)


To solve the equation 2(3y-4)^(3/5) - 4 = 50, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Add 4 to both sides of the equation to isolate the term with the exponent:

2(3y-4)^(3/5) = 54

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate the term with the exponent:

(3y-4)^(3/5) = 27

Step 3: Raise both sides of the equation to the power of 5/3 to remove the fractional exponent:

[(3y-4)^(3/5)]^(5/3) = 27^(5/3)

Simplifying the left side of the equation:

(3y-4)^(3/5 * 5/3) = 27^(5/3)

(3y-4) = 27^(5/3)

Step 4: Now we need to find the cube root of 27 and raise it to the power of 5 to get our answer:

27^(5/3) ≈ 243^(1/3) ≈ 3^5 = 243

So the equation becomes:

3y - 4 = 243

Step 5: Now, add 4 to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable:

3y = 243 + 4

3y = 247

Step 6: Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for y:

y = 247/3

So the solution to the equation 2(3y-4)^(3/5) - 4 = 50 is y = 247/3.