Karl Popper advocates, as a more efficient way to examine a scientific hypothesis, which of the following

I believe it could be A Gather as much data as possible supporting the hypothesis

What are your choices?

Karl Popper advocates, as a more efficient way to examine a scientific hypothesis, which of the following?

a)Gather as much data as possible supporting the hypothesis
b)Fake the data
c)Try to show the hypothesis is false
d)Meditate on what the hypothesis really means

I believe the answer was A but not so sure now, maybe

You are absolutely right.

the answer is C

The answer to the question about Karl Popper advocates, as a more efficient way to examine a scientific hypothesis which of the following. Wrong answer Ashley. You are really close but if you look at the question on how it's asked you will find the answer better. A MORE EFFICIENT WAY TO EXAMINE A SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESIS THAN THE WAY IT WAS BEING DONE IS??? I took this quiz today and got 100%. Just want to help. Ms. D is right

The truth table for a valid deductive argument will show

The answer is C. Try to show the hypothesis is false.