Mike receives a 9.8% raise. He currently earns $1,789.46 per month. Estimate the amount by which this monthly earnings will increase.

monthly income of mike=1789.46

percent rise=9.8

To estimate the amount by which Mike's monthly earnings will increase, we can calculate 9.8% of his current earnings.

First, convert the raise percentage into a decimal by dividing it by 100:

9.8% ÷ 100 = 0.098.

Next, multiply the decimal by Mike's current monthly earnings:

0.098 × $1,789.46 = $175.34.

Therefore, Mike's monthly earnings will increase by approximately $175.34 with a 9.8% raise.

.098 * 1789.46

If you re just estimating in your head that is about

.1 * 1800 = 180