Writeacher, I need your help to develop a few ideas. Thank you very much.

1) It would be really important if in the future a science teacher from your school could embark in a Comenius project (I don't know how to express it), which will enable him, on the one hand, to hold science lessons in English to our students, and on the other,to teach scientific English to our science teachers, who will have to hold lessons in English themselves in two years' time.

It would be wonderful if one of your science teachers would participate in a Comenius project, which would enable him to do two important things: 1) teach science in English to our students, and 2) teach English scientific terminology to our science teachers, in preparation for them to teach science in English in two years' time.

To develop your ideas and express your thoughts effectively, it's essential to communicate clearly and concisely. Here's a revised version of your request:

1) In the future, it would greatly benefit our school if a science teacher could participate in a Comenius project. This project would allow them to conduct science lessons in English for our students, while also teaching scientific English to our science teachers. This will prepare them to deliver lessons in English themselves in two years' time.

To express your idea, you can follow this structure:

1) Describe the situation or problem: "In the future, it would be important..."
2) Introduce the desired outcome: "...if a science teacher from our school could participate in a Comenius project..."
3) Explain the benefits of the project: "...to enable them to hold science lessons in English for our students, while also teaching scientific English to our science teachers..."
4) Clarify the purpose or goal: "...so that our science teachers will be prepared to deliver lessons in English themselves in two years' time."

Remember to be concise and organized when expressing your ideas. This will help ensure that your message is clear and easy to understand.