at what age does exercise begin to result in strength in boys and girls?

AT around age 1 or 2.

Actually it begins at birth. I know a boy who was in an orphanage in a developing until he was 6 months old. His neck muscles were weak probably because he hadn't had the freedom to crawl around; he was confined to a crib. Within a few weeks in an American home, his neck muscles strengthened.

Oh, sorry.

between ages six and seven

Exercise can result in strength improvements in both boys and girls, but the age at which these improvements begin can vary. The development of strength is influenced by biological factors such as growth, hormonal changes, and muscle development. Here's a general guideline for when exercise can start to have a noticeable impact on strength:

1. Childhood (ages 6-9): During this stage, both boys and girls can begin to participate in various physical activities like sports, games, and age-appropriate exercise routines. These activities can help develop coordination, motor skills, and muscle foundation, which are essential for strength development later on.

2. Pre-adolescence (ages 10-12): As children approach puberty, hormonal changes start to occur. Boys typically experience a growth spurt around this time, usually accompanied by a noticeable increase in strength due to the influence of testosterone. Girls may also see some strength improvements, although typically not as substantial as boys at this stage.

3. Adolescence (ages 13-19): This is a critical period for strength development, particularly in boys. As their bodies continue to produce higher levels of testosterone, they tend to experience a significant increase in muscle mass and strength. Girls also experience some increase in strength due to hormonal changes, although to a lesser extent. Regular exercise during this stage can have a significant impact on enhancing strength and muscle development.

It's important to note that the rate and extent of strength development can vary depending on genetics, individual differences, and the type of exercise performed. Additionally, proper technique, appropriate intensity, and regularity of exercise play crucial roles in achieving strength gains for both boys and girls.