The lawn sprinkler can be adjusted so that the water stream is from 25 to 40 feet. What is the diameter of the largest circle area that this sprinkler will cover.....please help

Diameter = 2 * radius

The stream would be the radius.

I think it's 20 feet

To find the diameter of the largest circle area that the sprinkler can cover, we need to use the maximum distance the water stream can reach.

Given that the water stream can reach from 25 to 40 feet, we can determine the radius (half of the diameter) by averaging these two values.

Average radius = (25 feet + 40 feet) / 2 = 65 feet / 2 = 32.5 feet

Now, we can calculate the diameter by doubling the radius:

Diameter = 2 * Average radius = 2 * 32.5 feet = 65 feet

Therefore, the diameter of the largest circle area that the sprinkler can cover is 65 feet.