(1.5x10^-3 mole)6.022x10^23 molecules)/1 mole =

What is 1.5E-3*6.022E23 ?


To calculate the result of this expression, we will perform the following steps:

Step 1: Multiply the given quantity by Avogadro's number, which is 6.022x10^23 molecules, to convert from moles to molecules:

(1.5x10^-3 mole) * (6.022x10^23 molecules) = 9.033x10^20 molecules

Step 2: Divide the result by 1 mole to cancel out the unit "mole" and leave only the unit "molecules":

9.033x10^20 molecules / 1 mole = 9.033x10^20 molecules

Therefore, the result of the expression is 9.033x10^20 molecules.

To solve this problem, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the given value, which is 1.5x10^-3 mole, by Avogadro's number, which is 6.022x10^23 molecules.

(1.5x10^-3 mole) * (6.022x10^23 molecules)

Step 2: Next, divide the result by 1 mole to cancel out the mole units.

[(1.5x10^-3 mole) * (6.022x10^23 molecules)] / 1 mole

Step 3: Perform the multiplication in the numerator.

= 9.033x10^20 molecules

Therefore, (1.5x10^-3 mole) * (6.022x10^23 molecules) / 1 mole is equal to 9.033x10^20 molecules.