How far does a rider travel in one turn of each Ferris wheel?

This is the first chart
Measure Ferris Wheel
Diameter (ft) 250
Height, including base 264
# of passenger cars 36
#of people per car 60

This is the second chart

Measure Cosmo Clock
Diameter (ft) 328
Height, including base 369
# of passenger cars 60
# of people per car 8

ignore extraneous information. All you need to know is the circumference of the wheel.

250-ft wheel:
c = pi*d = 3.14*250 = 785 ft

328-ft wheel:
c = 3.14*328 = 1030 ft

To determine how far a rider travels in one turn of a Ferris wheel, you can use the formula for calculating the circumference of a circle. The circumference of a circle is calculated by multiplying the diameter of the circle by π (pi).

Let's use the first chart for the Ferris Wheel.

1. Find the diameter of the Ferris Wheel: The diameter of the Ferris Wheel is given as 250 ft.
2. Calculate the circumference: Multiply the diameter by π (pi). The value of π is approximately 3.14159. So, the circumference of the Ferris Wheel is 250 ft * 3.14159 ≈ 785.398 ft.

Therefore, a rider would travel approximately 785.398 ft in one turn of the Ferris Wheel.

Now, let's use the second chart for the Cosmo Clock.

1. Find the diameter of the Cosmo Clock: The diameter of the Cosmo Clock is given as 328 ft.
2. Calculate the circumference: Multiply the diameter by π (pi). So, the circumference of the Cosmo Clock is 328 ft * 3.14159 ≈ 1030.84552 ft.

Therefore, a rider would travel approximately 1030.84552 ft in one turn of the Cosmo Clock.