In a class 40 students,31 play football,26play hockey and 13play volleyball.19 play football and hockey,8play both football and volley,and 7play both hockey and volleyball. Each student plays at least one of the three games.

i. Illustrate the information on a venn diagram. many students play all three games.
iii.number of students who play at least two games.
iv.number of students who play exactly two games.

To answer your questions, let's break down the information step by step:

i. Illustrating the information on a Venn diagram:
First, draw three overlapping circles to represent football, hockey, and volleyball. Label them accordingly. Place numbers, representing the number of students, inside each section of the diagram based on the given information.

ii. To determine how many students play all three games:
Look for the center section where all three circles overlap. The number in that section represents the students who play all three games.

iii. To find the number of students who play at least two games:
Sum up the numbers in the sections where two or more circles overlap. These sections represent students who play two or more games.

iv. To calculate the number of students who play exactly two games:
Subtract the number of students who play all three games from the total number of students who play at least two games (from the previous step). These students only play two games, not all three.

Since we do not have the exact numbers provided in the question, please update the question with the given data for football and volleyball so that I can provide you with the specific answers.