I'm looking for a short summary of The Great Gatsby that is just a few sentences, but I can only find long ones!

Get a long one and retype/rewrite it in your own words, or pick a few sentences of them.

The Great Gatsby is a book. You won't find "a short summary" of it.

Go to www.sparknotes.com/lit, and look the book up alphabetically.

To find a short summary of The Great Gatsby, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to a reputable book summary website like SparkNotes or CliffsNotes.
2. Search for "The Great Gatsby summary" on the website.
3. Look for a concise summary that provides the main plot points and themes of the novel.
4. If you still can't find a short summary, try searching for "The Great Gatsby summary in one sentence" or look for reviews that may summarize the book briefly.

Exploring these steps will help you find a shorter summary of The Great Gatsby that is just a few sentences, rather than long ones.