I'm confused on the rule of multiplication and the rule of addition. When do I use each to determine the probability of a genetic trait being inherited.

When determining the probability of a genetic trait being inherited, you generally use the rules of multiplication and addition in different situations. Here's an explanation of when and how to use each rule:

1. Rule of Multiplication (AND rule):
Use the rule of multiplication when calculating the probability of two independent events happening together. In the context of genetics, this is used to determine the probability of inheriting multiple traits simultaneously.

To apply the rule of multiplication, multiply the probabilities of each individual event happening. For example, if you want to find the probability of inheriting a specific gene trait from both parents, multiply the probability of inheriting the trait from one parent by the probability of inheriting the trait from the other parent.

For instance, if the probability of inheriting a trait from one parent is 0.5 and the probability from the other parent is also 0.5, you would multiply these probabilities: 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25. Therefore, the probability of inheriting the trait from both parents would be 0.25 or 25%.

2. Rule of Addition (OR rule):
Use the rule of addition when calculating the probability of at least one of two or more possible events occurring. In genetics, this can be used to determine the probability of inheriting a specific trait from either of two parents.

To apply the rule of addition, add the probabilities of each individual event happening, while subtracting the probability of both events happening together (which was already accounted for in the multiplication rule if relevant). For example, if you want to find the probability of inheriting a trait from at least one parent, you would add the probabilities of inheriting the trait from each parent and subtract the probability of getting the trait from both parents.

Let's say the probability of inheriting the trait from one parent is 0.4, and from the other parent is 0.3. The probability of inheriting the trait from both parents is 0.1. To calculate the probability of inheriting the trait from at least one parent, use the formula: (Probability of inheriting from parent 1 + Probability of inheriting from parent 2) - Probability of inheriting from both parents. In this case, it would be: (0.4 + 0.3) - 0.1 = 0.6. Therefore, the probability of inheriting the trait from at least one parent is 0.6 or 60%.

Remember, these rules assume that the events being considered are independent, meaning that the occurrence of one event does not affect the probability of the other events. If the events are dependent (such as when analyzing traits on the same chromosome), more complex rules and calculations may be necessary.