if cot(x-10)=tan(4x) what does x equal?

I dont really know thats why Im here.

To find the value of x in the equation cot(x-10)=tan(4x), we can use the relationship between cotangent and tangent.

The reciprocal of cotangent (cot) is tangent (tan), and vice versa. Therefore, we can rewrite the equation as:

tan(90° - (x-10)) = tan(4x)

Using the trigonometric identity tan(90° - theta) = cot(theta), the equation can be further simplified to:

cot(x-10) = tan(4x)

Now, since cot(x-10) and tan(4x) are equal, we can equate the angles inside the cotangent and tangent:

x - 10 = 4x

Next, let's isolate the x term:

4x - x = 10

Simplifying the equation:

3x = 10

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x:

3x/3 = 10/3

x = 10/3

So, x is equal to 10/3 or approximately 3.333.