3.796 liters of ethane (C2H6) are burned. What volume of oxygen is necessary and what volume of each product is produced?

Is this at STP? I will assume so.

Write the equation and balance it.
Convert 3.796 L ethane to moles. 3.796 L x (1 mole/22.414L) = mol ethane.
Use the coefficients to convert mol ethane to mol O2; do the same for ethane to mol CO2 and the same for mol ethane to mol H2O. Then convert each to L by multiplying mols x22.414.

Note: Since all reactants and product are gases, you can take a shortcut and omit the step of converting to moles and back to L; i.e. you may use L directly. For example, L ethane x (?mol O2/?mol ethane) = L O2 where ? is the number of mol O2 and mol ethane from the balanced equation.