i am talking about slaves and i don't understand what this sheet is talking about it is made like a moutain 1..is talking about exposition 2.Is talking about rising action 3. Is talking about climax its at the top of the moutain then 4.is talking about falling action and 5.is talking about revolution

If you will retype this and use proper capitalization, punctuation, and spacing, I'll be able to read it. As it is, all this runs together, and it makes no sense to me.

Please re-post -- correctly.

Based on the information you provided, it appears that you are referring to a sheet or graphic organizer that represents the structure of a story or narrative. The terms you mentioned - exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution - are commonly used to analyze and describe the plot of a story.

To understand the meaning of these terms and how they relate to the idea of slaves or revolution, I'll provide a brief explanation:

1. Exposition: This is the beginning of a story where the setting, characters, and background information are introduced. In the context of a story related to slaves, the exposition may present the societal conditions, historical context, or the introduction of characters who are slaves.

2. Rising action: This stage involves the development of the story's conflict through a series of events or complications. In the context of a story about slaves, the rising action might include the struggles or challenges faced by the slaves, their attempts at resistance or escape, and the increasing tension or conflict with their captors.

3. Climax: The climax is the turning point or the most intense moment in a story. It is where the main conflict reaches its peak or the most significant event occurs. In the context of a story involving slaves, the climax might be a specific revolutionary event or a crucial turning point where the slaves fight back or gain some form of freedom.

4. Falling action: After the climax, the story begins to wrap up and the intensity gradually decreases. The falling action consists of events that occur as a result of the climax. In the context of a story about slaves, the falling action might involve the aftermath of a revolution, resolving conflicts, or the possible consequences and effects of the slaves' actions.

5. Resolution: Also known as the revolution in your case, it represents the end of the story where the conflicts are ultimately resolved, and loose ends are tied up. In the context of a story about slaves, the resolution could depict the slaves' successful revolution, their liberation, or the aftermath of their fight for freedom.

To better understand the specific content on the sheet you mentioned, you will need to examine the surrounding information or context provided and see how it relates to the stages of storytelling described above.