How do I construct an energy level diagram for the hydrogen atom. I have all the energies, but I do not know how to make the diagram.

On a sheet of paper just draw lines to indicate the energy levels. The spacing should become less as you go higher. It would look something like this.

------------- n = 5
------------- n = 4

-------------n = 3

------------- n = 2

---------------n = 1
and continue above n = 5 with the lines getting closer and closer until you get to n = infinity.

To construct an energy level diagram for the hydrogen atom, you need to use the known energy values for each level. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create the diagram:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line to represent the energy axis. Label this line as "Energy" or "E" on the vertical axis.

2. Determine the ground state energy level of hydrogen. The ground state is the lowest energy level, usually labeled as n=1. Represent this energy level as the lowest point on the diagram. Label it as n=1 and assign the corresponding energy value to it.

3. Determine the energy levels above the ground state. Use the energy values for each succeeding level of hydrogen. The energy levels increase as the principal quantum number (n) increases. Label each energy level with its respective value of n and its energy value.

4. Connect the energy levels with lines or arrows. The lines should connect the different energy levels from lowest to highest.

5. Determine any transition lines. If you're interested in showing transitions between energy levels, draw additional lines to represent these transitions. For example, if an electron moves from energy level n=2 to n=1, draw a diagonal line connecting the two energy levels, indicating the transition.

6. Label the transitions or wavelengths. If you want to include wavelength information, you can label each transition line with the corresponding wavelength value.

Remember, the energy levels of the hydrogen atom are given by the formula:
E = -13.6/n^2 eV
where E is the energy, n is the principal quantum number, and -13.6 eV is the ionization energy of hydrogen.

With this information, you can plot the energy level diagram for the hydrogen atom.