Arrange the following in correct order in food chain-


To arrange the given organisms in the correct order of a food chain, we need to consider the flow of energy in an ecosystem. In a basic aquatic food chain, the order usually starts with a producer (organisms that produce their own food) and progresses to primary consumers (organisms that consume producers), secondary consumers (organisms that consume primary consumers), and so on.

In this case, the correct order would be:

Plankton → Fish → Shark → Crab


1. Plankton: Plankton are microscopic organisms that float near the water's surface and act as primary producers. They convert sunlight and nutrients into food through a process called photosynthesis.

2. Fish: Fish are considered primary consumers in the food chain as they consume plankton as their primary source of food. They eat the plankton to obtain energy and nutrients.

3. Shark: Sharks are apex predators and act as secondary consumers. They consume fish as their primary source of food, establishing themselves at a higher trophic level.

4. Crab: Crabs are also considered secondary consumers as they consume other organisms like small fish, algae, or other invertebrates such as mollusks. They obtain their energy from these sources.

It is crucial to note that food chains can be more complex and interconnected than this simplified example, as they often involve multiple organisms and interactions within an ecosystem.