ms. sue can u please tell me about noah's flood. exactly what it was and how it got thought of to make fossils?

i get bits and pieces of information like how species get buried in flood. (sediment) but my sister and i look at all sites and they not tell how fossils came to be.

I told you about the story of Noah and the flood. The only creatures that survived the flood, according to the stories, were the ones on Noah's boat.

I also told you that fossils were dead animals whose skeletons were preserved in mud that later turned to rock.

Creationists believe that two of all living animals were saved by Noah and God. Therefore, creationists believe that fossils of other creatures aren't real. They believe that there were no dinosaurs and other ancient animals.

Some geologists believe that a giant sudden flood did take place when a deep valley that is now the Mediteranean Sea opened to the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar. The oceans were rising then (about 5 million years ago) because of an ice age then ending. It flooded the Anatolian plateau, but not Mt. Ararat. The Black Sea, which had been a lake, suddenly became saltwater.

thanks very much ms. sue and drwls.

Of course, I can explain Noah's flood and how it relates to the formation of fossils.

Noah's flood is a story found in the biblical book of Genesis. According to this story, God became displeased with humanity's wickedness and decided to send a flood to cleanse the Earth. The flood was so massive that it covered the entire surface of the Earth, extinguishing all life except for Noah, his family, and a pair of all terrestrial species, which were housed on an enormous ark.

Now, let's discuss how the flood is related to the formation of fossils. Fossils are the remains or impressions of plants, animals, or other organisms that lived in the past. They are created through a process called fossilization, which usually occurs when the remains of an organism are buried under layers of sediment over time.

During a massive flood like Noah's flood, the rushing water carries large amounts of sediment, which can quickly bury and preserve dead organisms. As the layers of sediment accumulate over time, the pressure from the weight of the overlying sediments causes the organic material in the buried organism to decay, leaving behind a cavity or space. This void is then filled with minerals from the surrounding environment, such as silica or calcite. Over thousands or millions of years, these minerals harden and replace the organic material, forming a fossil.

It's important to note that while the story of Noah's flood offers a cultural explanation for the formation of fossils, it is not a scientific explanation supported by evidence. Scientifically, the process of fossilization occurs over long periods of time under various geological conditions, not solely due to one catastrophic event like a global flood.

If you'd like to learn more about the scientific process behind fossil formation, I recommend exploring resources from reputable scientific institutions, such as museums, universities, or geological societies. These sources provide accurate and evidence-based explanations of how fossils are created.