Determine if the statement is always true, sometimes true, or never true.

If y is a function of x, and is also a function of t. then dy/dx = dy/dt


i think its sometimes true but i don't know why it is. am i right?, and can you please explain me y this is the case? Thank you for your time

it could be true, if x=t

But it would be a rare case...

for instance, x= t^2
y= x^3
dy/dx= 3x^2

y= x^3=t^6
dy/dt=6t^5=6x^2 sqrtx

so in general, dy/dx does not = dy/dt

it x=t, it will work out.

You are correct that the statement is sometimes true, but not always true. To understand why, let's break it down.

The statement says, "If y is a function of x and is also a function of t, then dy/dx = dy/dt". This means that if y depends on both x and t, then the derivative of y with respect to x (dy/dx) must be equal to the derivative of y with respect to t (dy/dt).

For example, let's consider the function y = x^2 + t. Here, y depends on both x and t. To find dy/dx, we differentiate y with respect to x, treating t as a constant. So we get dy/dx = 2x.

Similarly, to find dy/dt, we differentiate y with respect to t, treating x as a constant. In this case, we have dy/dt = 1 since t does not appear as a variable in the expression x^2.

From this example, we can see that dy/dx (2x) is not equal to dy/dt (1). Therefore, the statement is sometimes true, meaning it is true for certain cases but not universally true.

To understand when the statement is true, we need to consider cases where the partial derivative of y with respect to x is equal to the partial derivative of y with respect to t. This happens when y is independent of either x or t, meaning it does not vary with one of the variables.

So, the statement "dy/dx = dy/dt" is sometimes true but not always true. It depends on the specific form of the function y and whether y is independent of one of the variables x or t.