factor labels

200ml per hour to kl per year

200 mL/hr x (1 L/1000 mL) x (1 kL/1000 L) x (24 hr/day) x (365 day/yr) = ?

Check this.

To convert from milliliters per hour (ml/h) to kiloliters per year (kl/year), you need to use a factor-label method.

Step 1: Start with the given value (200 ml/h).

Step 2: Set up conversion factors to cancel out units and convert to the desired units.

To convert from milliliters to liters, we can use the conversion factor:
1 liter = 1000 milliliters

To convert from liters to kiloliters, we can use the conversion factor:
1 kiloliter = 1000 liters

To convert from hours to years, we need to consider the number of hours in a day, days in a year, and consider leap years (if relevant). Assuming an average of 24 hours per day and 365 days per year (excluding leap years), we can use the conversion factor:
1 year = 24 hours/day * 365 days/year

Step 3: Set up the calculation using the conversion factors to cancel out the unwanted units.

200 ml/h * (1 L/1000 ml) * (1 kl/1000 L) * (24 h/day * 365 days/year) = ?? kl/year

Step 4: Perform the calculations.

200 ml/h * (1 L/1000 ml) * (1 kl/1000 L) * (24 h/day * 365 days/year) = 0.01752 kl/year

Therefore, 200 ml/h is equivalent to approximately 0.01752 kl/year.