could you please tell me how to make use of will be in language use eg i will be there she will be a unique woman

You have used "will be" just fine in your two examples.

The auxiliary verb "will" makes it future tense, and "be" is the correct form of the verb "to be" for this tense and with this auxiliary verb.

Do you have other sentences/examples you would like to be checked?

thank you writeacher now can you tell me how to make use of to be i cant still understand how to use 1) will be 2)to be

"to be" is the infinitive -- the base form of any verb. Here are some others:

to walk
to talk
to go
to see
to think
to read

An infinitive can also be used to complete a thought:
I want to be home on time tonight.
She is willing to be the driver on the way home. (Scroll down to Infinitives and Gerunds and Sequence and keep reading and noticing all the examples given.)

"will be" is simply one of the future forms of the verb "to be."
Here are the various forms of "to be":
am (present, 1st person, singular)
is (present, 3rd person, singular)
are (present, 2nd person, singular & plural; 1st person plural; 3rd person plural)
was (past, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person, singular)
were (past, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person, plural)
being (present participle)
been (past participle)
be (infinitive base)

The verb "to be" in English and its equivalent in other languages is always difficult because it's used so much more than any other verb in a language.

He will be his brother's best friend forever. (future tense)

He wants to be his brother's best friend forever. (present tense "wants" + "to be" to complete the thought)

Certainly! In the English language, the phrase "will be" is often used to talk about future states or actions. It is a way to express a future intention, prediction, or assumption. Here's how to use it:

1. To express future plans or intentions:
Example: "I will be there." This means that you have a plan or intention to be present at a specific place or event in the future.

2. To predict or make assumptions about the future:
Example: "She will be a unique woman." Here, it suggests a prediction that the person referred to will possess or exhibit unique qualities in the future.

To use "will be," you simply combine the subject (the person or thing) with the auxiliary verb "will" and the base form of the main verb. Remember that "will be" is typically used with singular subjects (e.g., "I," "he," "she") and the base form of the verb.

It may also be useful to know the variations of "will be" depending on the subject:

- I will be
- You will be
- He/She/It will be
- We will be
- They will be

These variations help you match the subject of the sentence with the correct form of "will be."

So, to summarize, "will be" is used to express future plans, intentions, predictions, or assumptions about someone or something. Remember to match the subject with the appropriate form of "will be" and use the base form of the main verb.