There are 24 counters. How many counters could you add without having to regroup? Why?

you can add 5 without regrouping


27+6=33 need to regroup

Yes or no


What's the answer

To determine the number of counters you can add without having to regroup, you need to understand the concept of place value and the regrouping process.

Place value refers to the value of a digit based on its position within a number. For example, in the number 24, the digit '2' represents 20 (2 tens) and the digit '4' represents 4 ones.

Regrouping, also known as carrying, occurs when the sum of two or more digits exceeds the value of the position they are in. In such cases, the extra value is carried over to the next higher position.

In this case, where there are 24 counters, we know that each counter represents '1'.

To determine how many more counters can be added without regrouping, we need to examine what happens when the counter value exceeds 9 (which would require regrouping).

If we add 1 counter, we have 25 counters. In this case, the '5' in the tens place requires regrouping because it exceeds the limit (9). So, we can't add 1 more counter without regrouping.

Similarly, if we add 2 counters, we have 26 counters. In this case, the '6' in the tens place requires regrouping, again exceeding the limit (9). Hence, we can't add 2 more counters without regrouping.

Continuing this process, we find that we can add 9 more counters (up to a total of 33 counters) without regrouping. When we add the 10th counter, regrouping will be required, as the counter value will become 34.

Therefore, the maximum number of counters you can add without having to regroup is 9.