

10y = 140 - 100

10y = 40

y = 40/10

y = ?

If you are solving for y, here are the steps:

100 + 10y = 140

First, subtract 100 from both sides (whatever you do to one side of an equation you must do to the other side as well):

100 - 100 + 10y = 140 - 100

10y = 40

Now divide both sides by 10 to get y by itself:

10y/10 = 40/10

y = 4

To check, substitute 4 for y into the original equation. It always helps to check your work!

To solve the equation 100 + 10y = 140, you need to isolate the variable y on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Start with the equation 100 + 10y = 140.
Step 2: To isolate the variable y, first subtract 100 from both sides of the equation. This cancels out the 100 on the left side.
100 + 10y - 100 = 140 - 100
10y = 40
Step 3: Now, divide both sides of the equation by 10 to solve for y.
10y / 10 = 40 / 10
y = 4

So, the solution to the equation 100 + 10y = 140 is y = 4.