Explain how $0.60 can be shown two different ways using only three coins each time

Two quarter plus 1 dime

Half of a dollar plus 2 nickels

50-cent piece plus 2 nickels

two quarters plus 1 dime

Half a dollar coin 2 nickles

To show $0.60 using only three coins, there are two possible combinations:

1. Combination A:
- One 50 cent coin (0.50)
- One 10 cent coin (0.10)
- No 1 cent coin (0.00)
Adding the value of these three coins together, we get $0.60.

2. Combination B:
- No 50 cent coin (0.00)
- Six 10 cent coins (6 * 0.10 = 0.60)
- No 1 cent coin (0.00)
Adding the value of these three coins together, we also get $0.60.

So, $0.60 can be shown as a combination of one 50 cent coin and one 10 cent coin, or as a combination of six 10 cent coins.

I don't know what the answer is right now OK