give two examples of negative feedback and two examples of positive feedback.

Answer please

Sure, here are two examples of negative feedback and two examples of positive feedback:

1. Negative Feedback:
- Room Temperature Control: Suppose a thermostat is set to maintain a room temperature of 70°F. If the temperature rises to 75°F, the thermostat detects this deviation and sends a signal to the air conditioning system to cool the room back down to the desired temperature. This is an example of negative feedback as the system takes corrective action to bring the temperature back towards the set point.

- Glucose Regulation: In the human body, negative feedback mechanisms help regulate blood glucose levels. For instance, when blood glucose levels increase after a meal, the pancreas releases insulin, which signals the body's cells to absorb excess glucose from the bloodstream. This process helps bring glucose levels back to the normal range.

2. Positive Feedback:
- Childbirth: During childbirth, the contractions of the uterus are an example of positive feedback. As the baby's head pushes against the cervix, it stimulates the release of oxytocin, which causes stronger contractions. These contractions, in turn, push the baby further downward, leading to even stronger contractions. This positive feedback loop continues until the baby is delivered.

- Blood Clotting: When a blood vessel is injured, platelets in the blood accumulate at the site and release chemicals to attract more platelets. As more platelets gather, they release additional chemicals, leading to a cascade effect and the formation of a blood clot. This positive feedback loop amplifies the clotting process until the injury is sealed off.

To find such examples, you can refer to biology or physiology textbooks, or search online for specific examples of positive and negative feedback in various systems.

Wrong! What a lousy question!

Terrific! How did you think of something so brilliant!