A steady, two-dimensional velocity field is given by V = (u, v) = (1.35 + 2.78x - 0.896y)i + (3.45x + cx - 2.78y)j

Calculate constant c such that the flow field is irrotational.

To determine if a velocity field is irrotational, we need to calculate its curl (or rotational). In two dimensions, the curl of a vector field V = (u, v) is given by:

curl(V) = ∂v/∂x - ∂u/∂y

In this case, we are given that the velocity field is steady and two-dimensional, given by V = (1.35 + 2.78x - 0.896y)i + (3.45x + cx - 2.78y)j.

Calculating the partial derivatives, we have:

∂v/∂x = c
∂u/∂y = -0.896

Substituting these values into the curl equation, we get:

curl(V) = c - (-0.896) = c + 0.896

For the velocity field to be irrotational, the curl must be equal to zero. Therefore, we set c + 0.896 = 0 and solve for c:

c + 0.896 = 0
c = -0.896

Hence, the constant c that makes the flow field irrotational is c = -0.896.
