When I say four thousand houses in Spanish, is it gender dependent like cuatra mil ollas or do I simply say cuatro mil ollas. I know the numbers from 200-900 are gender dependent but I'm not sure when you get to the four in front of thousand houses because casa is feminine-I'm thinking it's not gender dependent but I'm not sure.

Thank you for helping

I sent this to Sra.

one thousand = mil

two thousand = dos mil
three thousand = tres mil
four thousand = cuatro mil
on up to one hundred thousand = cien mil
one hundred three thousand = ciento tres mil

Just be careful with the compounds including "un"
twenty-one thousand = veintiún mil
thirty-one thousand = treinta y un mil

Feel free to ask any other question.


Thank you so much SrJMcGin for responding and clarifying that for me.

You are entirely welcome!


When expressing the quantity "four thousand houses" in Spanish, you would say "cuatro mil casas." In this case, the number cuatro (four) is not gender-dependent, regardless of the noun it modifies (casas, which is feminine).

In Spanish, the numbers from 200 to 900 agree in gender with the noun they modify. However, when you reach "four thousand" (cuatro mil), the number cuatro remains the same, regardless of the gender of the noun that follows it. This is because the rule for gender agreement in numbers only applies to the numbers between 200 and 900.

So, to say "four thousand houses" in Spanish, you would simply say "cuatro mil casas," without changing the form of cuatro due to the gender of the noun casa.