kim ate 3/2 slices of an apple. Did he eat less than a whole apple or more than the whole apple. draw picture to show your answer

A slice is only a part of an apple. Kim ate 1 1/2 slices -- so that is not the whole apple.

simon ate 3/2 slices of an apple. Did he eat less than a whole apple, the whole apple or more than a whole apple. Draw a picture to show the answer.

he ate more than a whole apple

To determine whether Kim ate less than or more than a whole apple, we can represent the slices of the apple visually.

First, let's understand what "3/2 slices" means. One whole apple is divided into two equal parts, each of which is a slice. So, if Kim ate 3/2 slices, it means he ate one whole slice and another half of a slice.

Now, let's draw a representation of an apple divided into two slices:

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Since Kim ate one whole slice and another half of a slice, we can show it as follows:

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Here, the apple is divided into two slices, and Kim ate one of the slices completely and half of the other slice. Therefore, Kim ate more than a whole apple.