Using the databases listed within the Ashford Online Library you will evaluate a research-based article from a peer reviewed journal. Your critique must be grammatically correct, properly cited, and utilize APA style of writing.

Choose one of the following topics that can be related to providing quality Physical Education at the elementary school level:

Childhood obesity
Budget constraints
Family / home environment
Teaching methods
Assessment / Evaluation
You should begin by reading the entire article all the way through. Next, read the article again and highlight or make note of the following information: 1. What questions are being asked or addressed? 2. Does the information support the need for quality physical education? How? 3. Who are the participants? 4. What methods were used? and 5. What were the results?

After taking notes, you should be able to summarize what the article was about. This is how you should start your critique. Next you will include some of the information that you made notes on and include pertinent quotations from the article. You can tie it all together with your own personal thoughts on the article and subject.

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To evaluate a research-based article from a peer-reviewed journal, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the topic of interest: In this case, you can choose one of the topics related to providing quality Physical Education at the elementary school level, such as childhood obesity, budget constraints, family/home environment, teaching methods, or assessment/evaluation.

2. Access the Ashford Online Library: Utilize the databases available in the Ashford Online Library to search for peer-reviewed journal articles related to your chosen topic. You can use databases like EBSCOhost, ProQuest, or JSTOR to find relevant articles.

3. Read the article thoroughly: Once you have selected an article, read it carefully from beginning to end. This step will help you understand the overall content and main arguments presented in the article.

4. Take notes while reading: As you go through the article, highlight or make note of the following information:

a. Questions being asked/addressed: Identify the main research questions or issues that the article aims to explore.

b. Support for quality physical education: Evaluate whether the information provided in the article supports the need for quality physical education. Consider how the research findings and arguments contribute to this perspective.

c. Participants: Note who the participants or subjects of the study were. This information will give you insights into the context and relevance of the research.

d. Methods used: Identify the research methods employed by the authors. This can include study design, data collection techniques, and data analysis methods.

e. Results: Summarize the key findings and results presented in the article. Pay attention to any statistical analyses or qualitative data presented.

5. Summarize the article: After taking notes, begin your critique by summarizing the main points and purpose of the article. Clearly state the topic, research questions, methods, participants, and results. This summary should provide a concise overview of the article's content.

6. Include relevant quotations: Incorporate relevant quotations from the article to support your critique. Ensure that you properly cite the quotations, adhering to APA style guidelines.

7. Provide your own analysis: Share your personal thoughts and analysis on the article and the broader subject. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the research presented, as well as any limitations or areas for further investigation.

Remember to use proper grammar, APA formatting, and citation style throughout your critique. Proofread your work before submission to ensure clarity and accuracy.