A wooden cube of side 5cm floats in water 200cm^2 of its depth below the water surface and ats sides are vertical calculate the density of the wood in g/cm^3.(1) Density of water in 1g(m^-3).

Please check your prob. for accuracy.

The density of water = 1g/cm^3.
Is 200cm^2 correct?


what is the density of cubical wooden box?

To calculate the density of wood, we need to know the mass and volume of the wooden cube. Here's how you can find the density:

1. Determine the volume of the wooden cube:
- The cube has sides of length 5 cm, so the volume is given by V = (side length)^3.
- In this case, V = (5 cm)^3 = 125 cm^3.

2. Measure the mass of the wooden cube:
- Unfortunately, the mass of the cube is not provided. You will need to weigh the wooden cube using a scale to determine its mass in grams (g).

3. Use the density formula to calculate the density:
- Density (ρ) = Mass (m) / Volume (V).
- Density is typically measured in g/cm^3, so we need to make sure the mass is in grams and the volume is in cubic centimeters.
- Plug in the mass and volume you obtained in steps 2 and 1: ρ = m (g) / V (cm^3).
- Calculate the density to get the answer.

Note: The given density of water (1 g/m^3) is not relevant for calculating the density of wood.