Rebekah's recipe for 4 1/2 dozen cookies calls for 6 cups of sugar. How many cups of sugar are needed to make 8 dozen cookies?

Is the correct answer 10 2/3 cups?

(8/4.5)* 6 = 10.667.

yes. That is 10 2/3 cups sugar

To find out how many cups of sugar are needed to make 8 dozen cookies, we can use a proportion.

Let's set up our proportion by comparing the number of cookies to the amount of sugar:

(Number of cookies / Amount of sugar) = (Number of cookies / Amount of sugar)

We are given that Rebekah's recipe for 4 1/2 dozen cookies uses 6 cups of sugar. So we can substitute the values into the equation:

(4 1/2 dozen / 6 cups) = (8 dozen / x cups)

To solve for x (the amount of sugar needed for 8 dozen cookies), we can cross-multiply:

(4 1/2 dozen) * (x cups) = (8 dozen) * (6 cups)

Now let's convert the mixed number 4 1/2 into an improper fraction:

4 1/2 = (9/2)

Substituting the values:

(9/2 * x) = (8 dozen) * (6 cups)

To simplify, we can multiply 8 dozen by 6 cups:

(9/2 * x) = (8 * 6) cups

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 9/2:

x = (8 * 6) cups / (9/2)

Simplifying further, let's multiply:

x = 48 cups / (9/2)

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal:

x = 48 cups * (2/9)

Multiplying further, we get:

x = (48 * 2) cups / 9

x = 96 cups / 9

Now, divide 96 cups by 9:

x = 10 2/3 cups

So, the correct answer is indeed 10 2/3 cups of sugar.