what according to the basic conditions of employment act applies with regard to the contraventions ?

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According to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) in South Africa, there are several provisions that apply when it comes to contraventions. Here's how you can find this information:

1. Accessing the Basic Conditions of Employment Act: Start by obtaining a copy of the BCEA. This can be done by visiting the official Government Gazette website or a reputable legal website that provides access to legislation.

2. Reading through the Act: Once you have the BCEA, locate the relevant sections related to contraventions. Look for sections that discuss penalties, offenses, or contraventions. Additionally, check for sections that outline the rights and obligations of both employees and employers.

3. Understanding the provisions: Read through the sections related to contraventions carefully to understand what they entail. Take note of any specific consequences, penalties, or remedies that apply to different types of contraventions.

4. Applying the provisions: To apply the provisions, identify the specific contraventions that have occurred in the given circumstance. Cross-reference the actions or omissions against the relevant sections of the BCEA to determine the applicable consequences or remedies.

It's important to note that the BCEA provides a comprehensive framework for employment conditions in South Africa. It covers various aspects such as working hours, leave, remuneration, termination, and more. By familiarizing yourself with the Act, you will have a better understanding of the provisions that apply to contraventions in employment conditions.