Give names of the following covalent (nonmetallic) compounds:


What is your problem in answering these?

To name covalent compounds, we need to identify the chemical symbols of the elements present in the compound and use prefixes to indicate the number of atoms of each element. Here are the names of the compounds you provided:

1. S4N2: Tetrasulfur dinitride
Explanation: The chemical symbol for sulfur is S and for nitrogen is N. Since there are four sulfur atoms, we use the prefix "tetra-." For the two nitrogen atoms, we use the prefix "di-."

2. ClF3: Chlorine trifluoride
Explanation: The chemical symbol for chlorine is Cl and for fluorine is F. Since there is one chlorine atom, we don't use a prefix. For the three fluorine atoms, we use the prefix "tri-."

3. I2O5: Diiodine pentoxide
Explanation: The chemical symbol for iodine is I and for oxygen is O. Since there are two iodine atoms, we use the prefix "di-." For the five oxygen atoms, we use the prefix "penta-."

4. SeF6: Selenium hexafluoride
Explanation: The chemical symbol for selenium is Se and for fluorine is F. Since there is one selenium atom, we don't use a prefix. For the six fluorine atoms, we use the prefix "hexa-."

5. PBr5: Phosphorus pentabromide
Explanation: The chemical symbol for phosphorus is P and for bromine is Br. Since there is one phosphorus atom, we don't use a prefix. For the five bromine atoms, we use the prefix "penta-."

6. H2O: Water
Explanation: The chemical symbol for hydrogen is H and for oxygen is O. Since there are two hydrogen atoms, we use the prefix "di-."

7. C2I6: Carbon diiodide
Explanation: The chemical symbol for carbon is C and for iodine is I. Since there are two carbon atoms, we use the prefix "di-." For the six iodine atoms, we use the prefix "hexa-."

8. C5F9H2Cl: Pentafluoro-2-chloropropane
Explanation: The compound consists of carbon (C), fluorine (F), hydrogen (H), and chlorine (Cl). Since there are five carbon atoms, we use the prefix "penta-." For the nine fluorine atoms, we use the prefix "nona-." For the two hydrogen atoms, we use the prefix "di-." And for the chlorine atom, we don't use a prefix.

9. Si2F6: Disilicon hexafluoride
Explanation: The chemical symbol for silicon is Si and for fluorine is F. Since there are two silicon atoms, we use the prefix "di-." For the six fluorine atoms, we use the prefix "hexa-."

10. Si9F10Br7H: Nonahydropentasilicon heptabromide fluoride
Explanation: The compound consists of silicon (Si), fluorine (F), bromine (Br), and hydrogen (H). Since there are nine silicon atoms, we use the prefix "nona-." For the ten fluorine atoms, we use the prefix "deca-." For the seven bromine atoms, we use the prefix "hepta-." And for the hydrogen atom, we don't use a prefix.