How was Mesopotamia first united into one empire?

Mesopotamia was first united into one empire through a process that occurred over several centuries. Here's an explanation of the steps involved in the unification:

1. City-States: Mesopotamia, which means "land between rivers," was characterized by a collection of independent city-states. These city-states, such as Sumer, had their own rulers, walls for protection, and agricultural lands surrounding them. Initially, there was no central authority governing all the city-states.

2. Conquest: The first step towards unification occurred around 2300 BCE when Sargon of Akkad, also known as Sargon the Great, rose to power in the city-state of Akkad. Sargon embarked on a series of military campaigns, conquering several city-states and merging them into his Akkadian Empire. This conquest laid the foundation for the earliest known empire in Mesopotamia.

3. Political Consolidation: After Sargon's reign, there were periods of political fragmentation and the emergence of various new dynasties. However, the idea of a unified empire persisted. Hammurabi, the king of Babylon, played a crucial role in this process. In the 18th century BCE, he established the Babylonian Empire and enacted a legal code, known as the Code of Hammurabi, that regulated various aspects of life. This code served as a unifying force, bringing together diverse cultures and city-states under a common legal framework.

4. Babylonian Empire: The Babylonian Empire, at its peak under King Hammurabi's successors, sought to consolidate their authority over the region. Nebuchadnezzar II, one of the prominent Babylonian rulers, further expanded the empire through conquests, including the famous Neo-Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem. The empire extended its influence over a large part of Mesopotamia, effectively unifying the region under Babylonian rule.

In summary, Mesopotamia was first united into one empire through a process of conquest, political consolidation, and the establishment of a legal code. Through the efforts of leaders such as Sargon of Akkad and Hammurabi, the region gradually transitioned from a collection of independent city-states to a unified empire.