Why did Egypt want to control Nubia?

Egypt wanted the gold and iron in Nubia.


Egypt wanted to control Nubia for several reasons. Firstly, Nubia was a region rich in natural resources such as gold, ivory, ebony, and other valuable materials. The Egyptian pharaohs saw Nubia as a source of these resources, which could be used to enhance their wealth and power.

Secondly, Nubia was strategically located along the Nile River. Controlling Nubia meant controlling key trade routes and maintaining dominance over the flow of goods and people between Egypt and the rest of Africa.

Additionally, Nubia served as a buffer zone between Egypt and various civilizations further south. By controlling Nubia, Egypt was able to exert its influence and prevent potential threats from these civilizations.

If you want to learn more about this topic, I suggest you explore historical texts, research articles, or visit reputable websites that specialize in ancient Egyptian and Nubian history.