The surface area to volume ratio of a cube is 2 to 5. Find the length of each side.

let each side be x

6x^2 / x^3 = 2/5
2x^3 = 30x^2
2x^3 - 30x^2 = 0
2x^2(x - 15) = 0
x = 0, no cube
x = 15

volume = 15^3 = 3375
SA = 6x^2 = 1350
1350/3375 = 2/5 , YEAHH

thank you

To find the length of each side of the cube, we need to first understand the formula for the surface area and volume of a cube.

The surface area of a cube is given by the formula: SA = 6s^2, where 's' represents the length of each side of the cube.

The volume of a cube is given by the formula: V = s^3.

Given that the surface area to volume ratio of the cube is 2 to 5, we can set up the following equation:

SA / V = 2 / 5

Substituting the formulas for surface area and volume:

(6s^2) / (s^3) = 2 / 5

Simplifying the equation, we can cancel out the 's' terms:

6 / s = 2 / 5


5 * 6 = 2 * s

30 = 2s

Dividing both sides by 2:

s = 15

Therefore, each side of the cube has a length of 15 units.