Find the slope-intercept equation of the line that has the given characteristics.

Slope 8.7 and y-intercept (0,-6)

To find the slope-intercept equation of a line, we use the formula:

y = mx + b

- y is the dependent variable (the value on the vertical or y-axis)
- x is the independent variable (the value on the horizontal or x-axis)
- m is the slope of the line
- b is the y-intercept (the point where the line crosses the y-axis when x = 0)

Given that the slope is 8.7 and the y-intercept is (0,-6), we can substitute these values into the formula to get the equation.

Substituting m = 8.7 and (0,-6) for x and y, we have:

-6 = (8.7)(0) + b

Simplifying the equation:

-6 = 0 + b

-6 = b

Therefore, the y-intercept is -6.

Now, we can substitute the slope (m = 8.7) and y-intercept (b = -6) back into the slope-intercept equation (y = mx + b):

y = 8.7x - 6

This is the slope-intercept equation of the line with a slope of 8.7 and a y-intercept of (0,-6).